Friday, June 27, 2008

Moving Day!!!

Hello all,

Sunday is the day we move into our 2 bedroom apartment. This is the home where Baby V will spend the first several months of his/her life. I am so excited to start decorating the nursery. Allan and I have been in the one bedrom apartment for 4 years now. Amazing how much junk we piled up in that time. Moving has been a good chance to purge all that stuff. Of course, Allan will probably not like that some of those purged items are video games. (Shhhhh) I remember when I moved out of the dorms at college that I had 6 boxes to my name. All my stuff fit in those 6 boxes. A lot has changed since then. I don't even think that all of Allan's socks will fit in 6 boxes.

Okay, so now some baby news. I am finishing my 14th week and I won't find out until week 18 if the baby is a girl or boy. Allan keeps having dreams about a baby girl. We have fun thinking about what life will be like and how much sleep we are going to get after the baby.
I am still feeling great. Started showing a bit more. I have to go buy my first pair of maternity jeans this weekend. Bring it on!

Love to you all,
Joanne and Baby V

Friday, June 6, 2008

Welcome to the Vasquez Adventure!

Hello everyone,
Allan and I are tremendously excited to have this baby and we can't wait to meet him or her. I am finishing my 12th week and so far so good. I have not been hit with morning sickness and both Allan and I are thankful for that. I am tired ALL THE TIME, almost to the ridiculous point, but I know that it won't last forever and it is for a good reason.
(God is creating a whole new person inside my body afterall.)

I have started to lose my waist line (sniff) and my clothes are getting a bit tight. But I am looking forward to this. So is Allan. He thinks I am more beautiful every day. I love him so much.

Well, when I get a digital camera, I can post pictures. For now, words, words, words.