Friday, September 19, 2008

Glucose Testing

Hello there,
Here we are at 25 weeks. Almost 7 months now. Allan and I will start our Lamaze classes on Oct 1st for 4 weeks. I am excited about them. Allan is not so sure. We have decided to try and have this baby naturally. Well, Allan decided that I should have the baby naturally and I told him that when a baby comes out of his ***** then he can do it naturally. Just kidding. I would like to try the natural route, but come hour number 6 of labor (if it takes that long) all bets are off and I am going for the sweet stuff.
Today I am going in for my glucose test. I get to drink some wonderful sugar syrup. In five minutes. I am not a chugger so hopefully, I can keep this down.
Baby Kaleb still kicks quite a bit and now I can see my stomach moving when he does. Allan has felt Kaleb kick once. He is feeling a bit jealous that I get to experience all this stuff. I wonder if he will still be jealous in the delivery room.
Until next time, be well. (That is how my doctor ends my appts) I guess being well is a state of mind.
Love, Joanne