Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh, those terrible twos.

So I know that it has been awhile since I have posted pics of the kids. After Kaleb turned two, I felt like I had added another child into my family. Some days Kaleb will wake up and it will bel like...I have no idea who this kid is. And then other days he is the picture of sweetness. I am not so sure that being two is terrible but rather that it is schizophrenic.

"This too shall pass..."

Anyways, here are some pics of my two adorable misfits.
I got Kaleb some washable paint. He loves it.
Lilly playing with Grandpa.
Rare sight of the two kids playing together.
Kaleb and Lilly are eating Jello for the first time

Close Up of Lilly with one tooth.
At the Zoo

Lilly is now standing up holding on to things as well as starting to cruise the furniture.
We got Kaleb some galoshes so he could play in the water.