Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lilly's First Birthday

She really likes the cake I made her.

So does Kaleb.

Oooh, presents....

This was her goody bag. Here is Johanna Vaz dressed up as a butterfly. That was the theme.

Lilly got a camel and she loves to kiss it.

Pretty girl. This was her second dress of the day.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Just normal days with Kaleb and Lilly

Lilly, the butterfly.

Pay no attention to the lady behind the wall.


a whole ice cream cone, just for me. Kaleb and Lilly just chillin.

Fun in the tub on a rainy day. I love washable paint.

Happy Easter

Lilly is ready to have Bible Study

Here is Kaleb's Easter Outfit. What a hansome boy!
With a pink cup.