Monday, July 14, 2008

4 Months Prego!

I have made it to 4 months. YEAHHHH!!!! Nothing too terribly exciting happening. I think I may have started feeling the baby move but it could be gas. I had an appointment last week and the heartbeat is very strong. I am still tired ALL THE TIME, and I still frequent the restroom every hour or so. (Every 2 hours at night, like clockwork)
Heartburn is the tough symptom I am dealing with these days. But the doctor said there is nothing wrong with taking Tums. Milk also works but I have noticed that milk is starting to make me sick to my stomach now. Hmmmm.
Allan is doing well. He says he is already in love with this baby. He talks to the baby alot. Which can be annoying when I am trying to sleep. We both cannot wait until August 6th. That is the ultrasound appt where we find out boy or girl.
I think I am leaning towards wanting a girl. But I think that I am having a boy. A boy would be awesome too. I know he would look like Allan. Oh my, I can't imagine two of him. I would be outnumbered.
My next post will let you know.

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