Friday, October 10, 2008

Well, here we are, Kaleb and I at 29 weeks. Feeling good. Well, sleepy. Kaleb started kicking me all night long no matter what side I was on. That was not good for me. But after a few days of that, he decided to let mommy get some rest. So now he only kicks a little at night. I am still sleepy all day because I have to get up just about every hour at night. My hips started bothering me and then I started getting the round ligament pain in my belly. The ligaments are stretching.

So I did some research and found a Chiropractor who specializes in helping pregant women. She is helping ease the pain and showing me stretches that will help as well. I am feeling a lot better. This should also help the baby get into the right position for labor.

Speaking of labor, Allan and I have finished 2 of our lamaze classes. We have two left. We watched the dreaded birth video at the last class. Allan did alot better than most of the other guys in the class. He was a bit nervous about watching it, because it was going to show everything. It was kind of gross. I realized that I don't want a mirror during the birth.
The classes are very informative and I am glad Allan seems to enjoy them. I will probably forget everything they are teaching me, but Allan will remember. I hope.

I have started feeling the Braxton Hicks Contractions. Very strange. It's like I have no control over my own body anymore. Well, the thought that I have ever had control over my body is most likely an illusion.

Allan has finally seen and felt the baby move in my belly. He was very excited. At first, he thought it was just gas. But it was so cute watching Allan watch my belly.

Until next time, be well.

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