Tuesday, February 17, 2009

6 weeks and growing

Hello family and friends. I cannot belive Kaleb is now 6 weeks old. He is growing so fast. He is starting to outgrow the newborn outfits. He has rolled over twice now, can scoot himself forward when he is on his tummy. (Not intentionally, he just kicks off with this feet so much that it moves him) He holds his head up really well now and he is starting to coo. Well, he yells at us and occasionally, coos. :) He smiles and likes to watch us talking to him.
He is almost sleeping through the night now. 6 hours at one stretch.
I start back to work on March 2nd so i am really trying to relish these next several days with Kaleb. Hope you enjoy this next round of photos.
We love you all,
Joanne, Allan and Kaleb

1 comment:

The Youngs said...

Thanks for the post!!! I love the bottom picture. He is getting so big!