Monday, June 15, 2009

Kaleb's Dedication

We had Kaleb dedicated on June 13, 2009.
My brother, Jonathan, came into town with his wife, Christine, and their two kids (Haven and Levi) to perform the ceremony. We had the dedication at the Wildwood Ranch campground in the Sierra House.
It was beautiful. Some of our family and friends were able to make it and share this special moment with us. (I look like i have a halo of roses on my head)

Kaleb was asleep during most of the dedication.
(I am not trying to say anything about your preaching, Jonathan)

Here is Aunt Gwen and Grandma Young.

Here is Auntie Melissa with her daughter, Judi. Also, Haven and Levi.

Here are the Vasquez grandparents.

Levi is a couple of months younger than Kaleb but he is almost as big.

Allan was enjoying playing with Haven.

After the dedication, we took a walk to see the animals that live on the campground.

Isn't he just the cutest?

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