Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lot of Catch Up to Do, so Hang on.

Hello Family.
It has almost been an entire year since my last posting. Where has the time gone? Well, since you have missed so many cute pictures, i will update you on every month you missed. So here is Sept 2009.

We were able to house sit for some friends of ours. They live in Julian. So we packed up Kaleb and lived in their beautiful home for a week.

Kaleb and Daddy were watering the plants.
(Although it kind of looks like Kaleb was watering Daddy)

Kaleb and I went camping with Grandma and Grandpa Young. We went to Pismo Beach and Solvang. Kaleb was quite a trooper and i was surprised at how well he did. Here he is getting ready to eat some dinner.

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