Thursday, August 5, 2010

December 2009

This month was quite busy.
Kaleb is still teething and chews on everything.
This is his toy box.

Uncle Jimmy is teaching Kaleb to play the trumpet.
If his cheeks start getting bigger, we will just call him Dizzy Kalebspie.

I discovered that Kaleb loves Mac n' Cheese.
It might not be the healthiest choice of food, but he is so cute eating it.

Kaleb is ready for the winter.

Aunt Juana and her kids came to see the family at Christmas time. Here is Kaleb in his Sombrero eating a Mexican baby cookie.

This was Kaleb's first Christmas.
He wasn't all that interested in opening presents, but he did like his new toys.
Here he is sitting in front of the tree at Grandma and Grandpa Youngs house
with his favorite Turtle.

This is at Great Grandma and Grandpa Youngs house.

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