Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Life with two kids

Below are my attempts at getting in the picture with Kaleb.

He finally booted me out all together.

Kaleb with his new tractor. (Which he is scared to death of
when he pushes the red button and it starts moving on its own.) "But I did eat all my veggies...sooo... can i have a cookie now?"

Kaleb and Cousin Mago swimming in the pool.

This is the outfit Aunt Juana bought Lilly from Oaxaca.

Lilly asleep in her swing.

This is cousin Sophia. She is 5 weeks older than Lillian.
Lillian is already longer.
I think they will be best friends.

1 comment:

Kaari said...

LOVE the pictures- thank you:)...soo what IS life with two kids like??