Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin Patch and New Traditions

Lilly and Mommy having fun at dinner.
Lilly just chilling in her swing.
Lilly having a staring contest with a giraffe.

Lilly sleeping on Grandma V.
Lilly being introduced to Great Grandma Santiago.
They both look a little unsure.

We took Kaleb and Lillian to the Pumpkin Patch.
This is our new tradition.
Well, we did it with Kaleb last year so this is our second year.
Does that count as a tradition yet?

There are animals at this pumpkin patch and here is Kaleb
really wanting to go in there and play with the goats.

There were also tractors; Kaleb's favorite thing right now.

Kaleb is really into wearing hats right now.
He will wear his hats all day long inside and outside the house.
He also likes to wear bowls on his head in the bathtub.
I don't have a picture of that yet. Below, he is wearing one of daddy's hats.

The next part of our tradition is to carve the pumpkins together.
Well, daddy and I carved the pumpkins.
Kaleb helped to scoop out the guts.

The part of this tradition that I did not capture on film was
when Kaleb decided he was done with the pumpkins
and ran around the living room with pumpkins seeds all over his clothes.
The slimy seeds got everywhere. I was not happy. I hope next year is easier.
Here is Kaleb discovering the joy of bubble wrap.

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