Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Visiting Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Christine

This was the best attempt at getting all the cousins to sit before we opened presents. We have Judi, she is 5; Haven is 3; Kaleb is 23 months; Levi is 21 months; and Lilly is 5 months. Oh, and baby Hannah, not pictured, has about 2 months to go until she makes her appearance.
Judi is my sister's daughter. Haven, Levi and Baby Hannah are my brother's kids.
I just wanted to be clear that I am not the one having Baby Hannah. I think Allan and I are good with two kids....for now.

The boys love to play outside, just not together. Here is Grandpa pulling the both of them.
My son likes to lay in the grass and sing to himself.
Here are the two princesses of the house.
The girls are decorating sugar cookies.
I had to keep reminding them to not lick the knife.
But it looks like Lilly licked the knife.
Levi and his daddy like to wrestle alot. Levi has the high ground here.
Kaleb LOVES stickers.
He put these on his head and is watching a Christmas special.
I think he is doing his impression of an ornament.
Wow, a moment of peace between the boys.
Most of the time we had to keep them apart.
Grandpa pulling the kids again. I think he is getting tired.
He is pulling 57 pounds after all.
I brought the bouncy house so the kids could have fun and tire themselves out.
It worked great. And we had no head injuries the whole week.

Ah yes, here is Grandpa trying to keep Kaleb from steamrolling Lillian.
Lilly is discovering the tree.
She loved to be on the floor in the midst of all the kids,
but she had to keep her eyes out in case any of them might run her over.
Ahhh, Uncle Jonathan and Lilly are taking a nap.

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