Friday, January 21, 2011

New Year's Resolutions

I, Kaleb, do hereby resolve...
to play nice with my sissy...
to help dad with the yard work...
and to teach dad and grandpa about fixing cars.
Or I could just put stickers on my face.
I hate yard work.
I, Lilly, do hereby resolve to sleep through the night from now on.
Ha Ha, keep dreaming mom!
Happy New Year.

Kaleb's 2nd Birthday

So we celebrated Kaleb's 2nd birthday on January 2nd, 2011.
Wow, I cannot believe it. My baby is 2 now.
And boy does he act like it.
Here is Lilly on the birthday boy's chair. She is in her party dress.

Kaleb got a new bed from Grandma and Grandpa V.
It is in his room, but he still sleeps in the crib.

Kaleb got a turtle from Uncle James.
The two girls are the daughters of my good friend, Susan.
Solange is 4 and Johanna is 2. They loved helping Kaleb
open his presents.
I made a Monster Truck cake for Kaleb. The wheels are brownies.

I am thinking he enjoyed it.

I started out this new year by trying to put both Kaleb and I through Potty Training Boot camp. By the end of the second day, i realized I had been all but ignoring Lilly the whole time. I was just trying to keep up with Kaleb and all his accidents. So I decided that perhaps he doesn't need to be potty trained in 3 weeks. I will take things a bit slower.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fun at home and elsewhere....

Here is Lilly having fun at the Safari Park with Tio James and Abuela.
For Kaleb's birthday, my parents, Michael and Aunt Gwen
got together to get Kaleb this comfy chair.
He loves it.
Lilly has learned to sit up all by herself now. She can crawl too...sort of.
Her legs get a bit twisted up as she goes, but she is getting it.
That's Kaleb with a bucket on his head next to Lilly.
This is Kaleb's favorite thing to do at the Safari Park. Push strollers in the grass.