Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Life with two kids

Below are my attempts at getting in the picture with Kaleb.

He finally booted me out all together.

Kaleb with his new tractor. (Which he is scared to death of
when he pushes the red button and it starts moving on its own.) "But I did eat all my veggies...sooo... can i have a cookie now?"

Kaleb and Cousin Mago swimming in the pool.

This is the outfit Aunt Juana bought Lilly from Oaxaca.

Lilly asleep in her swing.

This is cousin Sophia. She is 5 weeks older than Lillian.
Lillian is already longer.
I think they will be best friends.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Lilly Fashion Show

So here is Lilly wearing various designer outfits.
Well, the one below is just Lilly taking a break from all the modeling.

The new face of fashion.
Below, Lilly sports a summer frock in the deep shade of red. Very classy.
Here she is in her play clothes, looking quite ready to play.
Lilly loves the camera and modeling. This summer dress is perfect for play dates.
Here she is dressed for church and looking rather serious as she should on a Sunday.
Cute capri pants and top.
Now she is ready for a party.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cutie Pie

Lillian loves to smile. Here she is talking to Daddy. Pouring on the charm.

This outfit is starting to be too small, so I wanted to make sure i got a picture of Lilly wearing it. I think i will need to post a Lillian Fashion Show with all her cute dresses.
One of Kaleb's favorite things to do now is read. If the house is a little too quiet, i can find Kaleb sitting on the couch looking through some books.
Or trying to kiss Lillian.

We went to the Ramona fair and Kaleb got to ride some of the rides.

Just Kaleb enjoying a ride on his car down our long hallway.

A picture of Kaleb's and Daddy's shoes next to each other. The big ones are Kaleb's.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Announcing Baby Lillian Grace Vasquez

Lil' Grace was born on June 20th at 7:35pm. (Father's Day)
Lilly and I planned it this way. Because I didn't get Allan a card or anything,
I figured I better get him a really good gift.
This gift cost way more than a card anyways.

She weighed 7 pounds and measured 20 inches long.
Labor went quite smoothly, no drugs.
I think my favorite part was when I shouted a really choice swear word as I was pushing
and then realized my mom and my 4 year old niece
were outside the labor room and could hear everything.
At one point, Judy turns to my mom and says, "I think i need to go in there and help get the baby out. I also need to give Joanne and Allan my blessing."

Thursday, August 5, 2010

March and April 2010

Ah, Yes. Kaleb decided to rub his face against the cement really hard.
And yet again, I am nominated for mother of the year for allowing that to happen.
He wears his scars well.

Here is Kaleb attempting to mow the lawn.
I figure while we're outside, might as well make him do something useful.

Too bad it wasn't a riding mower.

Kaleb is helping daddy lay some pavers at a friends house.

February 2010

Uncle Lee came to visit this month.
He had not seen Kaleb since he was born. (Since Kaleb was born that is, not since Lee was born)
It took a bit for them to warm up to each other.

But, pretty soon, Kaleb and Uncle Lee were old friends.
I think Kaleb realized that they were related.
Must have been the Vasquez eyebrows that gave it away.

January 2010

I cannot believe Kaleb is 1 this month. He is so adorable.
The pictures below were taken in a studio. I was hoping that they could get a picture of him running out of the shot, cause that is what happened right after these were taken.

December 2009

This month was quite busy.
Kaleb is still teething and chews on everything.
This is his toy box.

Uncle Jimmy is teaching Kaleb to play the trumpet.
If his cheeks start getting bigger, we will just call him Dizzy Kalebspie.

I discovered that Kaleb loves Mac n' Cheese.
It might not be the healthiest choice of food, but he is so cute eating it.

Kaleb is ready for the winter.

Aunt Juana and her kids came to see the family at Christmas time. Here is Kaleb in his Sombrero eating a Mexican baby cookie.

This was Kaleb's first Christmas.
He wasn't all that interested in opening presents, but he did like his new toys.
Here he is sitting in front of the tree at Grandma and Grandpa Youngs house
with his favorite Turtle.

This is at Great Grandma and Grandpa Youngs house.